BETHESDA, Md--A new NCI study will evaluate three techniques to manage atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance that show up on Pap smears, including their cost effectiveness and acceptability to women.
BETHESDA, Md--A new NCI study will evaluate three techniques to manageatypical squamous cells of undetermined significance that show up on Papsmears, including their cost effectiveness and acceptability to women.
The trial will evaluate colposcopy; repeating Pap smears every six months;and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as a means to differentiate betweenabnormalities that need immediate colposcopy and those that can best befollowed with repeat Pap tests at six-month intervals.
The study enrollment of 7,200 women with mild Pap test abnormalitiesshould be completed next year. Participants will be followed for threeyears. The study centers are the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Universityof Oklahoma, Magee-Womens Hospital, and the University of Washington.