Cancer Network spoke with Taofeek Kunle Owonikoko, MD, PhD, of Emory University, about talazoparib for patients with HRRD-positive stage IV squamous cell lung cancer.
Cancer Network spoke with Taofeek Kunle Owonikoko, MD, PhD, a professor in the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Emory University, about the results of the phase II study he led that were presented at ASCO 2019. The research focused on the efficaacy of talazoparib (BMN 673) in patients with homologous recombination repair deficiency (HRRD)-positive stage IV squamous cell lung cancer (Lung-MAP Sub-Study, S1400G).
Advancing Thoracic Surgery With Robotics and Video-Assisted Strategies
June 13th 2024"Anything that you can do to leverage technology to minimize the variability in surgery eliminates the skill gap so that novice surgeons may become as technically gifted as the intermediate surgeon or the master surgeon."