BETHESDA, Md--A clinical education television series--Bench to Bedside--NIH Grand Rounds--is set to debut on January 15, 1997. Once a month, the world's leading clinicians from the various NIH institutes will discuss critical medical topics of the day.
BETHESDA, Md--A clinical education television series--Bench toBedside--NIH Grand Rounds--is set to debut on January 15, 1997.Once a month, the world's leading clinicians from the variousNIH institutes will discuss critical medical topics of the day.
The interactive program, sponsored by the NIH and CenterNet, thetelevision network of the Association of Academic Health Centers,will offer category 1 CME credit and will be made available toinstitutions outside of academic centers, including VA and communityhospitals.
For CenterNet subscription information, write: CenterNet, c/oHMTV, 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314 or callTom Shaw at 703-684-4415. The network can provide technical assistancefor institutions wishing to receive CenterNet programming.