Oncology On-The-Go Podcast: Nursing-Led Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer


Margaret Rosenzweig, PhD, CRNP-C, AOCNP, FAAN, discusses how nursling-led palliative care may improve advanced cancer care planning uptake based on a secondary analysis of the CONNECT study.

Margaret Rosenzweig, PhD, CRNP-C, AOCNP, FAAN, spoke with CancerNetwork® about findings from the CONNECT study (NCT02712229), a study she authored that aimed to assess the benefit of palliative care intervention in patients with advanced cancer.

Rosenzweig, the distinguished service professor of nursing and a professor of medicine at the Hillman Cancer Center Acute & Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh, described the potential benefits of more frequently involving oncology nurses in discussions on advanced care planning, and helping patients make decisions on what treatment options best suit them. She also addressed some of the logistical challenges, including provider shortages and implementing training for infusion room nurses.

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