The Role of Biomarkers for Immunotherapy Selection in Upper GI Cancer
Experts discuss the relevance of PD-L1 CPS in predicting immunotherapy efficacy, other complementary biomarkers, the benefits of adding nivolumab to a FOLFOX regimen, and how the CheckMate 649 trial and its recent 5-year update have influenced the use of nivolumab in combination with chemotherapy for advanced gastric and gastroesophageal adenocarcinomas.
Reflex Testing in Upper GI Cancer: Optimizing Molecular Insights for Timely Treatment
Experts discuss the role of reflex testing in ensuring accurate and timely treatment selection, the challenges it may present, and how it can be integrated with next-generation sequencing (NGS) to provide a comprehensive molecular profile while minimizing delays.
Frontline Treatment and Molecular Testing in Upper GI Cancer: Precision-Guided Therapy
Experts discuss frontline treatment options for advanced upper gastric adenocarcinoma, molecular testing methods, challenges encountered, and how test results influence the choice of systemic therapy for patients.
Robert’s Journey With HER2 Upper GI Cancer
Experts discuss Robert’s journey with HER2-positive upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, highlighting key treatment approaches and challenges.