Integrating PARP Inhibitors Into Advanced Prostate Cancer Therapeutics
Experts in the field review integration of approved PARP inhibitors into advanced prostate cancer clinical practice.
Radical Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer Is the ‘Only Way To Go’
September 11th 2009In 2008, approximately 186,000 American men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, resulting in about 28,600 deaths.[1] It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, and second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in men.
Organ Preservation in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
March 1st 2005While organ preservation with nonextirpative surgery, radiotherapy,and frequently, chemotherapy has become a favored strategy in thetreatment of many cancers, bladder preservation for patients with invasivedisease remains controversial. The standard treatment for muscleinvasivebladder cancer in the United States is still radical cystectomywith pelvic lymph node dissection. An alternative to cystectomy ismultimodality bladder preservation with thorough transurethral resection,chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. This review will addressissues raised by a multimodality approach for the treatment of invasivebladder cancer.
Commentary (Smith/Sandler)-Testicular Cancer: Maintaining the High Cure Rate
February 1st 2003As Dr. Raghavan has emphasizedin his excellent overviewof the current therapyfor testis cancer, it is critical that thesuccess of therapy for this diseasenot be compromised by a desire toavoid the complications of therapy.We would wholeheartedly agree withhis assertion that modifications intherapy must be introduced with athoughtful and structured approachto minimize the risk to efficacy.
Combined-Modality Staging for Localized Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate
August 1st 2001The goal of identifying a set of pretreatment risk-stratifying factors for patients with localized prostate cancer is to be able to individualize treatment and optimize patient selection for clinical trials. Low-risk patients are most likely