Commentary (Tepper/Kim): Are We Overtreating Some Patients With Rectal Cancer?
December 1st 2004Adjuvant therapy, almost bydefinition, overtreats patients.It is the holy grail of those ofus involved in adjuvant therapy to definethe patients who are going to failso that we can decrease the incidenceof tumor recurrence and avoid givingadditional therapy to patients who havebeen cured by their primary treatment.
Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer: Current Limitations, Future Possibilities
March 1st 1996In an attempt to improve the grave prognosis associated with the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, researchers have explored a number of novel therapies. These include hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, radiopharmaceuticals, and novel chemotherapeutic agents.
Commentary (Blackstock/Tepper): Current Status of Radiation Sensitization by Fluoropyrimidines
August 1st 1995The authors present a thorough review of the mechanisms and clinical effects of fluoropyrimidine radiation sensitization. As they discuss, abundant clinical data from multiple tumor sites show improved outcome when radiation is delivered in