Aromatase Inhibitors as Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer
March 1st 2003The aromatase inhibitors are regarded as standard approaches tofirst- or second-line endocrine therapy in women with hormoneresponsivemetastatic breast cancer. Their efficacy and apparent lackof toxicity have led to their evaluation as adjuvant therapy. Althoughinitial results with these agents in early breast cancer are promising,our collective long-term experience documenting tamoxifen’s benefitsand our uncertainty about the long-term effects of aromatase inhibitorssuggest that it is too early to recommend their routine use in theadjuvant setting. However, anastrozole is also a reasonable therapeuticoption in the adjuvant setting, particularly in individuals with acontraindication to tamoxifen such as those with thromboembolicdisease or those who develop breast cancer while receiving tamoxifenor raloxifene (Evista) therapy. Anastrozole (Arimidex) was recentlyapproved by the Food and Drug Administration for the adjuvanttreatment of postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor–positiveearly breast cancer. Ongoing trials are assessing the potential role ofaromatase inhibitors in the adjuvant, neoadjuvant, and preventivesettings.