Commentary (Moller): Surgical Staging in Endometrial Cancer
January 1st 2006Endometrial cancer is the mostcommon gynecologic malignancyaffecting women in theUnited States. In 1988, the InternationalFederation of Gynecology andObstetrics shifted from a clinical stagingprotocol to one based on surgicalfactors, making surgical staging theaccepted treatment approach to endometrialcancers, with excellentsurvival compared to other gynecologicmalignancies. The manuscript byKirby et al brings to light the controversiessurrounding the surgical evaluationof endometrial cancers. Althoughsurgical staging has been shown to haveboth prognostic and therapeutic benefit,major problems in the United Statescontinue to result in suboptimal treatmentof patients with endometrial cancer.These problems include the lack ofan accepted surgical protocol (in termsof adequacy of lymph node sampling)and incomplete surgical staging secondaryto patient factors or the lack ofreferral to specialty-trained gynecologiconcologists.