Commentary (Hwang/Esserman): Surgical Management of Hepatic Breast Cancer Metastases
November 1st 2005In this review of hepatic resectionfor metastatic breast cancer, theauthors argue that a small groupof women with isolated liver metastasesmay be appropriate candidates forsurgical resection. Although some datahave been reported, the few publishedstudies represent small, retrospectivesingle-institutional series with no standardizedcriteria for resection. Nevertheless,the potential prospect ofimproved patient outcome in the settingof liver metastases from breastcancer deserves further consideration.
Should We Recommend Screening Mammography for Women Aged 40 to 49?
March 1st 1996In clinical trials, screening mammography has been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer by about 25% to 30% among women aged 50 years and older after only 5 to 6 years from the initiation of screening. Among women 40 to 49 years old, the evidence supporting the efficacy of screening mammography is less convincing.