Salvage Brachytherapy After External-Beam Irradiation for Prostate Cancer
February 1st 2004Dr. Beyer has done a good jobof summarizing the issuesconcerning the use of brachytherapyas a salvage modality to treatradiation therapy failures. This willbecome an issue of greater importanceas we continue to diagnose andtreat younger and younger patientswith prostate cancer. This trend canbe primarily attributed to the successof prostate-specific antigen (PSA)screening. With younger patients optingfor radiation treatment, the numberof patients at potential risk forfailure and hence potential candidatesfor salvage brachytherapy will increase.This, coupled with the stagemigration toward early-stage, lower-PSA disease, may result in an increasingpopulation of patients with perhapsmore curable recurrent disease.
Does Pelvic Irradiation Play a Role in the Management of Prostate Cancer?
October 1st 1998The optimal management of patients with lymph node-positive prostate cancer remains controversial. The role of pelvic irradiation in patients at high risk for nodal involvement continues to be debated. Studies of prostate