Clinical Trial of New Agent to Overcome MDR Resistance in Multiple Myeloma Patients

OncologyONCOLOGY Vol 11 No 12
Volume 11
Issue 12

Marshfield Cancer Center, the lead investigation site for a National Cancer Institute-sponsored multicenter clinical trial, announced it is seeking patients to participate in a study of a potential new treatment, PSC 833, to overcome chemotherapy resistance in relapsing or refractory multiple myeloma. The study, coordinated by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), is seeking to enroll 360 patients throughout the United States and Canada.

Marshfield Cancer Center, the lead investigation site for a National Cancer Institute-sponsored multicenter clinical trial, announced it is seeking patients to participate in a study of a potential new treatment, PSC 833, to overcome chemotherapy resistance in relapsing or refractory multiple myeloma. The study, coordinated by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), is seeking to enroll 360 patients throughout the United States and Canada.

“Drug resistance poses a significant obstacle in the treatment of multiple myeloma,” explained William R. Friedenberg, md, Marshfield Cancer Center, Marshfield, Wisconsin, and ECOG’s multiple myeloma committee co-chair. “This compound—PSC 833— which is designed to overcome multidrug resistance (MDR), could possibly offer a second chance to patients who once responded to chemotherapy, but then had to stop because their malignant tumors had become resistant to anticancer treatment. If it works in multiple myeloma, it could also work in other cancers that develop MDR.”

Description of the Study

Researchers will evaluate whether PSC 833—when administered in combination with standard VAD (vincristine, Adriamycin, and dexamethasone) chemotherapy, can help reduce the incidence of MDR in patients with relapsing or refractory multiple myeloma. Study participants will be randomly selected for one of two treatments: VAD with PSC 833 or VAD alone. The response, overall survival, and event-free survival of patients treated with PSC 833 and VAD will be compared with patients treated with VAD alone. In addition, subjective response, as evaluated by a decrease in pain and an improvement in anemia, are secondary end points.

Previous studies have suggested that PSC 833 is effective as an inhibitor of MDR in patients with multiple myeloma, acute leukemia, and other malignancies. It was also shown to be well tolerated.

Physicians interested in registering patients should contact the ECOG Coordinating Center at (617) 632-3610. All study participants must be at least 18 years of age with a diagnosis of measurable multiple myeloma

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