Free website offers chemo order forms

Oncology NEWS InternationalOncology NEWS International Vol 16 No 12
Volume 16
Issue 12

Georgia Cancer Specialists (GCS), a large Atlanta-based oncology practice, has made available a free website,, offering chemotherapy protocol order forms.

ATLANTA—Georgia Cancer Specialists (GCS), a large Atlanta-based oncology practice, has made available a free website,, offering chemotherapy protocol order forms. creates patient-specific chemotherapy orders and supporting documents based on physician- or nurse-entered vital signs and disease parameters, GCS said in a press release. The site is modeled after a disease management system GCS developed and has used in patient care for several years. The protocols are created using established peer-reviewed clinical guidelines.

"Most oncologists practice the same way they have for 20 years, trusting their memories and nurses' support to prescribe and manage treatment," said Bruce Feinberg, MD, GCS president and CEO. "The ever-growing complexity of cancer management makes this approach increasingly risky for both patient and provider." The site also provides print-ready chemotherapy flow sheets, informed consents, and patient education materials. "We want to provide touch-of-a-button access to everything patients and doctors need for successful treatment," Dr. Feinberg said.

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