Lurie Cancer Center Receives $4.27 Million from the Department of Defense for Breast Cancer Research

OncologyONCOLOGY Vol 11 No 1
Volume 11
Issue 1

Steven T. Rosen, MD, FACP, director of the Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University, announced that the Center has received a 4-year grant in the amount of $4.27 million from the US Army Medical Research and Materiel

Steven T. Rosen, MD, FACP, director of the Robert H. Lurie Cancer Centerof Northwestern University, announced that the Center has received a 4-yeargrant in the amount of $4.27 million from the US Army Medical Researchand Materiel Command for a project entitled, "Increasing Access toModern Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Care."

The principal investigator of the project is Monica Morrow, MD, directorof the Lurie Cancer Center's Clinical Breast Cancer Research Program; associateprofessor, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School;and director of the Lynn Sage Comprehensive Breast Center at NorthwesternMemorial Hospital.

The award provides funds for eight research projects that focus on accessto breast cancer care by minority women; education of minority women andnonphysician providers who have contact with the medically underserved;dietary intervention to reduce cancer risk; methods to increase minorityparticipation in clinical trials; and the cost-effectiveness of new technologies.

The Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University, a NationalCancer Institute-designated clinical cancer center, is the focus of cancerresearch, education, and patient care at Northwestern University. The LurieCancer Center coordinates clinical research and cancer patient care programsat the teaching affiliates of the Northwestern University Medical Schooland, through the Northwestern Healthcare Network, is associated with thecancer programs at nine hospitals in the Chicago area.

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