August 29th 2024
The decision follows phase 3 EV-302 trial findings showing improved survival with enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab vs chemotherapy in urothelial cancer.
Intermittent Hormone Therapy as Good as Continuous Treatment for Prostate Cancer
September 11th 2012Intermittent androgen deprivation was shown to be as effective as continuous therapy in terms of overall survival for men with prostate cancer whose PSA levels were rising after initial or salvage radiotherapy.
No PSA Screening Would Triple Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cases at Diagnosis
August 7th 2012According to a study in the journal Cancer, without the use of PSA screening the number of men presenting with cases of metastatic prostate cancer would be three times greater than the actual number observed today.
Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Who Is Benefiting?
July 15th 2012How should oncologists advise patients about the best surgical approach to use to treat their prostate cancer? Quite simply, it is the surgeon, not the approach. The self-fulfilling prophecy about surgery is that the best surgeons tend to do the most surgeries, so an easy metric is volume.
Robotic Prostatectomy Improves Outcomes-After the Potentially Risky Adoption Phase
July 15th 2012In summary, both RALP and ORP are excellent operations in experienced hands. They are also technically difficult to perform consistently well, so in my view, surgeons should attempt to master the operation they perform rather than hastily switching to robotic surgery, unless they have an opportunity for significant mentorship and surgical volume.
Minimally Invasive Open Retropubic Prostatectomy: In Experienced Hands-Still the Gold Standard
July 15th 2012Over the last decade, robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) has rapidly gained in popularity, primarily for three reasons: the enthusiasm of surgeons keen to try something new, medical marketing, and patients’ desire to avoid side effects from surgery.
Current Status of Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Progress Is Inevitable
July 15th 2012There is no question that the robot has leveled the playing field. It has allowed more surgeons to offer patients a minimally invasive approach. In terms of perioperative outcomes, there is clear evidence showing shorter hospital stays, less blood loss, lower complication rates, and shorter convalescence with robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy.
Integrating Innovative Therapeutic Strategies Into the Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma
June 15th 2012In the current critical review we discuss these emerging trends in localized and systemic treatment as well as possible interesting combinations of the two modalities. Finally, we discuss the role of the new systemic agents in non–clear cell RCC.
Locoregional Control of Bladder Cancer: Chemoradiation Tops Radiotherapy in UK Study
April 30th 2012In a multicenter phase III trial of 360 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer, synchronous chemoradiotherapy provided better locoregional control without significant added toxicity, investigators for the Bladder Cancer 2001 trial have found.
Radium-223: Down to the Bone, and Less Is More
April 17th 2012Radium-223 is a promising agent that represents a new class of alpha pharmaceuticals that gets down to the site of bony metastases. The limited side-effect profile potentially allows for repeat administration to increase durability of pain control, and for its use in combination with novel biologic and chemotherapeutic agents.